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Supply Chain Management Systems

INDECS closed an strategic alliance with VKM to expand their business with Supply Chain solutions, including WMS, TMS y YMS

VKM - Supply Chain Solutions


APTRA uses e-VOTE of INDECS to choose "Martin Fierro" Awards

INDECS Argentina SA signed an agreement with PROMETHEUS Group to represent Assest Management SOlution in the Southern Cone.

PROMETHEUS Plaint Maintenance Advvanced is the Market Lider Solution to simplify Assest Management Operation.

INDECS Argentina S.A. signed an Strategic Business Agreement with D&R Consultores of Brasil

With the partnership, INDECS Argentina SA, expands their operations to Brazilian Market with sus operaciones a Brasil junto experienced professional team of D&R Consultores.

LA NACION, June 1st. 2006

INDECS was the company responsible for implementing the electronic voting system in the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires

The Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires started with the electronic voting



INDECS Group is an important team of computer science engineers and consultants. Its origins are found in Germany and the United Kingdom when its first members met to discuss highly complex software projects at the end of the 80s.







Throughout the years, compilers were designed and developed (1985-89), database systems were created (1990-93), one of the first Internet Service Provider was established in Germany (1994), and a Web Consulting System for “Very Large Databases" was devised (1996).
At the beginning of 1997, a group of consultants, counting with the direct support and accumulated experience of their associates in Europe, moves from Germany to Chile to create INDECS.

In 1997, INDECS Chile designs a three-tier architecture system for Intranet/WEB, and with it, Tandem S.A. Chile (today known as Adexus S.A.) is designated as the IT service supplier for Chile Civil Registry Service (CCRS).
Since 1998, INDECS builds, develops, and advises on the exploitation of CCRS technological renovation system software for Tandem/Adexus.
In the same way, at the end of 1998, and with the bid of FONASA, INDECS redesigns a three-tier architecture system for Intranet/WEB to be nationally used by FONASA. With this design, the Consortium of companies formed by Adexus, Orden, Medical Trends and ProInfo, is designated as FONASA IT service supplier.









INDECS Argentina S.A. has been certified by TRADE international and has
become a member of this organitation.
TRACE International is an organitation that certifies the transparency of
the company in the businesses.

   View Certificate


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e-VOTO (Sistema de Voto Electronico)

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DELPHI (CRM, Sales & Catering Hospitality System)

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